By 2030, the Czech Republic will face a shortfall of 14 TWh of energy.

Replace it sustainably with us.

První fotka v kariéře | PKV

Every kilowatt not used is better than a green one.

Therefore, we assist companies and the public sector with strategic energy development, aiming for greater independence and resilience against external influences. Organizations consume less energy and produce it more sustainably. Both every organization and the surrounding nature benefit from this approach.

PKV v číslech

120 experts

in our team

leading positions

we have filled internally, grown together with PKV

32 trainings, workshops, and training sessions

Just in 2023

we turn sustainable energy into a source of profit

For companies and cities

3 reasons to work at PKV

You will help companies in the Czech Republic transition to a green economy.

We analyze our clients' buildings and construct their energy models. Using our proprietary software, we collect energy data. We calculate and reduce carbon footprints. Our solutions make sense ecologically—and, most importantly, economically.

Our clients >
Kariéra | PKV

You will work in a team that won't leave you in the lurch.

When faced with challenges, we join forces and pull together. Because we are united, we achieve changes quickly and efficiently. Unlike other companies, you won't just wait for change at our company; you'll actively contribute to it.

Expect a corporate culture based on growth ambition.

We believe that what grows, lives—whether it's our colleagues or our company. That's why we create and support an environment where receiving and giving feedback is natural, fostering growth. Through discussions with the CEO, quarterly department meetings, and biannual company-wide meetings, we maintain close contact between staff and company leadership.

Find out more >
Pohovor PKV | PKV

At PKV, you will grow both professionally and personally.

We learn from the best, which is why we collaborate with leaders in their fields. Negotiation techniques like those used by the FBI, or rhetoric, can be learned from Radim Pařík. Larisa Francírková will teach you how to deliver Genuine Service. For those aspiring to improve their management skills, a six-month course from JuiceUp is available. We learn from those better than ourselves in the field, which is why we send our employees to places like the Netherlands.

Krásné kanceláře | PKV

Work with societal impact from beautiful offices located right in the heart of Brno.

Být udržitelný neznamená, že se musíte omezovat. Technologie, které doporučujeme našim klientům, dopřáváme i našim zaměstnancům. Vždy pro vás máme perfektní pracovní prostředí.

We consider a first-class working environment as standard.

From day one, a fully equipped workstation awaits you, complete with the same chair used by our leadership, a MacBook, two monitors, and a wireless keyboard and mouse. We understand that top performance can only be achieved with top-tier equipment.

Prvotřídní prostředí | PKV

And as bonus

Firemní akce

Nejlepší vánoční večírky, chmeldays anebo celofiremní teambuilding, všechny naše akce zaměstnanci milují.

Lekce angličtiny

Ovládat perfektně angličtinu je základ. Proto zaměstnancům zařizujeme lekce přímo u nás v kancelářích.

Referral bonus

Pokud najdete kolegu, který k nám do týdnu zapadne. Nemine vás finanční odměna.

Slevy u partnerů

Kdokoliv z PKV může využít například zvýhodněných cen na Apple produkty z obchodu iSTYLE.

Finest job done on our company events

Even if We are creating the biggest energy projects in Czech, we are having fun. Our marketing team prepares the best parties for our employees.

Is this you?

You dont accept mediocre

You won't settle for average results; you want more, whether you're in a technical or administrative position. We didn't become a market leader by chance; we thrive on challenges.

You are up for improvement

The energy sector is dynamic, requiring you to always stay ahead. You can't afford to fall behind. At onboarding, your education certainly doesn't end. We're happy to assist you with training, workshops, or any other form of education—all you have to do is ask.

You ask questions You need answers for

We love to train new colleagues. That's why we have our own trainer and onboarding plan. We expect independence and enthusiasm from you. We appreciate when you know your limits and can ask for help when needed.

Endurance is your abillity

You'll be working for a leader in the field. That comes with a certain level of responsibility. We insist on delivering the highest quality within agreed deadlines.

You let the numbers speak

We don't shy away from focusing on performance. We evaluate, measure, and strive to improve. We see a higher purpose in our work than just completing tasks.

You let the numbers speak

We don't shy away from focusing on performance. We evaluate, measure, and strive to improve. We see a higher purpose in our work than just completing tasks.

Start with letting us know about you

Send us your CV

If you want to apply for a position in our selection process, please send us your resume, and we will get back to you within a week.

Lets meet in person

In the first round of interviews, we'll introduce you to the company and our expectations. We'll discuss your experiences, desires, and plans.

We will give you a task

We'll assign you a task to complete at home to verify your knowledge and experience.

Meet your lead

We'll invite you to a meeting with the head of your future department. You'll get to know each other, discuss the vision of PKV, and verify compatibility.

Welcome aboard!

We'll send you a job offer. We'll agree on the start date, contract, and begin our collaboration.

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